

Pip3 install -upgrade nsz Running from source Use the following command to install the GUI version: Use the following command to install the console-only version: Methods listed below requires you to have Python 3.6+ and pip3 installed. You can find the binaries in the release page. They do not require any external libraries to be installed and can be run without installing anything.


The keys file must be located as prod.keys file in %USERPROFILE%/.switch/(Windows)/ $HOME/.switch/(UNIX) or keys.txt in the working directory. You need to have a hactool compatible keys file in a suitable directory to use the script. You can find details on installation for all of them below. There are several ways the install the script. The compressed file can be installed directly with supported NSW Homebrew Title Installers.


A compression/decompresson script (with optional GUI) that allows user to compress/decompress Nintendo Switch ROMs loselessly, thanks to zstd compression algorithm.
